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Two Books In One

“The Jesus Story” and “Jesus in Me” for young children explain the Gospel and teachings of Jesus in a double book format perfect for missions work, church or school curriculum, hospital ministry, prison ministries, and other ministry.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, author Don Hammatt penned “The Jesus Story”, a gospel presentation in story form for his grandchildren. “Jesus In Me” presents Jesus as Life. A simple message for children, this story complements The Jesus Story by explaining that the reason Jesus rose from the dead was to give us LIFE - the abundant life He spoke of in the gospel of John. Read the books below.

Translations are complete for 45 languages.
Contact us for special ministry pricing and languages inquiries.

The Jesus Story 

A simple gospel presentation for children:

His birth, His death, His resurrection.

"The Jesus Story" is the powerful message of God's love, told in simple language that young children can understand. To provide a child with an opportunity to receive the awesome, redeeming love of the Lord Jesus Christ is an eternal gift. Children want to know that Jesus loves them and cares about them. This story  gives children hope and inspires them to invite Jesus into their lives. 

Jesus In Me

Why did He come?  To give us LIFE!

"Jesus in Me" presents the truth that Jesus died not only to pay for our sins, but He rose from the dead to give us life, His Life. This is the abundant life that He speaks of in John 10:10. The truth is that we cannot live the Christian life in our own strength and that Jesus desires to live in the form of the Holy Spirit through us.

© 2020 Praise Works!, Inc.

Praise Works, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to print and distribute The Jesus Story and Jesus in Me.  Tax ID: 75-3108167

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