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Don (the Author) and his Grandchildren:

When initially telling the story to John, he had a bad sinus infection. When I told about Jesus opening eyes and ears he stopped me saying; “Poppa, Poppa, He opened noses too?” I assured him that yes, Jesus did open noses also. After telling the story to John and Lindsey over several weeks, they both invited Jesus into their lives. The book did not exist at this time, March, 2001, John had just turned 4 and Lindsey was not quite 3. Today, they are both completely confident that Jesus Christ is alive in them. 

In December of 2002, I was keeping John George, another of my grandchildren who was four years old at that time. I read him The Jesus Story. When I finished the book, I simply asked him: “John George, did you want to invite Jesus into your heart today?” He then said, “Yes, Grandpa” and then without my saying anything else, this child said, “Jesus, please come into my heart.” I am confident that our God hears the voices of small children who ask with complete faith and that He does respond.


Mission Arlington

The Jesus Story has been an instrumental tool that anyone can use to share the love of Jesus with children, youth and adults. It is simply written so that anyone can understand the truth that God loves them. That is the Gospel!

Thank you for continuing such a legacy of sharing the Good News with a world that so desperately needs to hear it. Don would be proud of your continuing this project for the glory of God.


- Tillie Burgin

Mission Arlington

Mexico Missions Inc.

Mexico Missions Inc. has been using Don Hammatt's children's books for ast 6 years. We have used the books in various ways and have always had a great response. When we put the books in our backpacks we noticed that the children took the book out of the backpack and began reading it first, when the backpack was full of toys! We have also seen the parents reading the books. When Don printed them back to back and made them smaller and easier to transport they were even better. With 60% of Mexico's population under the age of 16, reaching out to children is a must. These books are one of the greatest evangelistic tools we have ever used. Thanks for being lead by the Spirit to do these books. 

- Phil Chain 
President, Mexico Missions Inc. 


Casa de Gloria

We have been very impressed with The Jesus Story / Jesus In Me books. In children outreaches such as our annual Gift Box Giveaways, or our August Back to School Book Bag Bash. We read the stories to crowds using storyboard format of the books. The books capture the children's attention and they always respond to the salvation altar call. Then we put a book in the hands of the little ones who come forward. It is precious because you know they will take it home; share it with the rest of the family as they read it over and over again in their homes. We have witnessed first hand that the young tots are just as interested in The Jesus Story / Jesus In Me books.
These beautifully illustrated books portray Jesus in such a simple manner that everyone can understand what Jesus did for us. They spark a desire in the hearts of young and old all over Mexico to receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. These books are an awesome evangelistic tool that is placed in the hands of the reader and continues to be used by the reader even after we have picked up and left the villages. 

- Pat and Karen Warren- Casa De Gloria

Christine (the Illustrator)

“Don't forget to tell your friends that a little 7 year old boy, listened to his Mom read the book and the next day, said, "Mommy, I want to ask Jesus to live in my heart." That's the most exciting news a Mother could ever hear! “


Amanda - Missionary in Guatemala:

The Jesus Story / Jesus In Me book was given to me just before we moved to the mission field this past June and has been such a blessing to us and the children. The simplicity of the story of Jesus put with detailed photos catches the attention of it's audience every time it is read.To watch the faces of the children as the story progresses to the last pages is truly a fullfilling experience, knowing they are hearing God's life changing message and feeling it in their hearts as well. 

Thank you again for obeying the call to get God's Word out into all the world. And my prayers are for this little book to make it into the hands of many! Today a little boy wandered up to the house and peeked through the fence... so me and the boys went and asked him if he had ever heard the story of Jesus, to which he answered no. So we read him a book about Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection! The little boy listened with big eyes... I told him I have more books about Jesus if he wants to come again and hear them, we will see what happens! 

I wanted to share that as a family we had the opportunity to give out about the first 50 books. We walked through the neighborhood and passed out a book to each child in every home as Christmas gifts from Jesus! Each book was received with glorious smiles and squeals of delight as without a doubt those books will be the only Christmas gifts any of these children will receive this holiday.


Drew and Lili Steeples - Missionaries Asia Hope:

300 Kids were at a Neighborhood Kids Outreach in Cambodia. Yesterday, half of them got to hear The Jesus Story in their language of Khmer for the first time. Thank you Don Hammatt for listening to God and writing such a wonderful book.


Mark Cole - Next Generation Pastor 
Istrouma Baptist Church ; Baton Rouge, LA:

While in Puerto Rico, God opened the doors for us to engage a local school through the classrooms. The Jesus Story / Jesus In Me books gave us a concise and effective way to engage across cultures. Romans 10:17 says, “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. “ What an amazing experience to watch this play out in front of our eyes! Seeing kids embrace and accept the hope of Christ and the joy of being able to walk students through words and pictures showing the reality of Jesus was tremendous. And to be able to send each child home with a book, a book in which we watched them read to their parents, and siblings...was very special. The Jesus Story / Jesus In Me books were not only a great asset for ministry but a difference maker for the kingdom! 


© 2020 Praise Works!, Inc.

Praise Works, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created to print and distribute The Jesus Story and Jesus in Me.  Tax ID: 75-3108167

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